Watch as we slowly, oh so slowly, turn this unloved and neglected historic, mid-century gem from "Oh honey, you're just gonna have to gut it!" into a fabulous, comfortable, totally cool space to love. We're doing all of the work ourselves on a shoestring budget. The work takes time since we work all week but we're dedicated to the project.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My favorite "found object"

Here is my favorite object in the "barrio garden". My husband hauled this bicycle out of the mountains during a hiking trip. It's quite sturdy and heavy in spite of the rust. The challenge when collecting found objects for the garden is knowing when to stop. I have many items in our side yard that are unused at this point including a couple of bowling balls that I plan to cover with mosaic tile pieces and to display in one of my future garden beds. That's yet another project to add to my long list!

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